Tuesday, March 25, 2008

10 Ways to become a better soccer player

1. Interval Training
-Interval training can increase your oxygen intake and increase your endurance during competitions

2. 30 mins of juggling a day
-Juggling everyday will make you have a better feel for the ball and a better touch during your games. Minimal or no mis- touches during your games

3. Pick up games
-The best way to improve your game is to play. Whether small sided games or full fields, playing will make you a better player. The more you play the better you will get.

4. Practice Everyday
-The old saying “Practice makes perfect”. Well almost, you will never be perfect but you can be better than your opponent. No matter what sport a professional athlete plays, without question throughout their life they practiced their sport Everyday.

5. Watch Professional Games
-By watching the professionals play you can emulate their play and learn from their movements on the field. Also a great way to increase your knowledge on the field.

6. Weight training
-Lifting weights with your legs will increase your speed and power, While lifting weights with your upper body you will have the strength to hold your position and push your opponents off the ball with ease.

7. Plyometrics
-Plyometrics increases your foot speed so your first step will always be quicker than your opponents. In return you will beat them to the ball every-time.

8. Play other sports
-Playing hockey, basketball, tennis, football and other sports will keep your fitness up and improve your overall ability as an athlete as well as your footwork. You may not like the sport your playing but it will benefit you when your playing the game you love.

9. Play Futsal or indoor
-These fast paced games improve your touch, fitness, skill and most important your reading of the game.

10. Nutrition
-Probably the most underrated performance factor for all athletes. Without the right nutritional diet for soccer an athlete can not perform to his best. Many athletes including professionals have a diet that hurts their performance when on the field.

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